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$ 250

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My Blog

Ready to Ride Again

Monday 1st Apr 2024

Here we go for our 7th time. Once again I will be riding pillion with Will Hauptman to raise funds for Men's Health. It will be great to see all the familiar faces in Rhinebeck and maybe a few new ones too. Our team- Team Ed's Service  - is riding in memory of my Dad. (Be sure to look at our Team page for more about that.) Please join us - either to ride along or to just come by the fairgrounds and cheer us on. And please consider making a donation!

My Team

Team Ed's Service

With 5 Riders

My Sponsors

Tom OMara

Great cause. Ride safe

$104 USD

Alison Smith

Best of luck -- and great honor for your Dad!

$100 USD

Stacy Whittaker

$62 USD

Kyle Van Wagner

Fingers crossed for good weather and safe ride !!

$62 USD

Keith Haywood

I'll be riding in Binghamton. I hope you have a great day.

$31 USD

Marie Dunne

In memory of your dad, a great man. I will always think of him when I see a wrapped mint candy!

$26 USD

Diana VanEtten

$21 USD