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$ 2938

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My Blog


Tuesday 21st May 2024

DGR 2024 complete!!

What a great morning!

We started our ride with a fog advisory (which, I'm sure, made for some great moody photos) which cleared up as soon as we did the last stretch of the ride! The weather was perfect (maybe a little too perfect..I have some awkward wrist sunburns to prove it xD) and it ended up being a great day for the ride! 

My Grandpa rode with me (via photo inside the clear compartment of my little tank bag) and my parents and my Grandma met me at the last stop! As promised, we finished the ride with a beer for my Grandpa and in celebration of a successful year of fundraising!  

(The photo here is us coming down the hill towards the finish line; I'm on the right!)

This year I also made it onto CHCH (Hamilton's local news station) which aired Sunday at 6PM. The video is up on YouTube! 

I really couldn't have asked for a better day for this ride! It went smoothly, I met some new friends and all in all had a blast taking part in another DGR (:

Once again, another big THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to my ride this year! I'm still beaming over how much we've been able to raise! Very proud of Hamilton for raising over $150K this year too; way to go, you guys! 

Fundraising ends June 2nd (midnight) so no worries about being late if you still want to contribute to my ride! It's very much appreciated! 



Tuesday 14th May 2024
Here we go! This Sunday is ride day and I have some updates to share!
🎉 🎉 We hit the $4K goal as of last week!!! 🎉 🎉
and it continues to climb!
I'm THRILLED to know we hit not one but TWO goals set this year! I'm so happy to know I'll be riding with that much raised this weekend, wow! I can't thank everyone whose donated / sponsored my ride to help achieve this number! It's a HUGE accomplishment!
Fundraising doesn't officially close until the beginning of June so I'll continue to push my fundraising page on my socials leading up to and during the ride, plus a few days after! There's still plenty of time to donate and/or share my page around with others you may think would like to contribute funds for men's health! The proceeds go to some great organizations that help raise funds for cancer research and mental health!
Thanks again everyone! Next update, I'll have some photos to share from this years ride! 😁

A Month Away!

Saturday 20th Apr 2024

We're officially a month away from Ride Day! The count down is on (my fingers are crossed in hope's we'll get really nice weather for it like last year)!

The other day I received this years patch for raising $250 USD in the mail, which I promptly sewed onto my jacket underneath 2023's patch (: I believe the pin set for raising $1K USD is on it's way too! 

The meter on my page is getting closer to that $4K goal and I couldn't be happier! Another huge thanks to those who have donated to my ride, especially those who are donating more than once! I really appreciate it! 

More progress will be made on the bike this weekend. I should have another update soon!! 

Thanks again, everyone!


We Hit This Years Goal!

Wednesday 10th Apr 2024

WOW! I'm SO thrilled! We did it! We hit my goal of $2K (as of last Friday), and there's still 5 weeks to go! I can't thank everyone enough for their generosity and support! I wasn't expecting to hit it this early so now I'm scrambling to set a new goal LOL.

How about we double it....$4K for 2024? I think we could do it in time for the ride!

I have another update to share while we're here! The Suzuki's frame is all painted! My partner spent a day last weekend at his parents (where the bike is being stored) getting it all done. We weren't expecting to this soon, but here we are! Now it just needs to be pieced back together and on the road! Should leave us with lots of time to give it a few test runs to make sure it's in tip top shape for the ride!

I dropped in as he was doing the last touch ups and we stayed for dinner and had a nice little ride with him and his dad before we headed home for the day (:

I should have another bike (and hopefully donation goal update!) next week. Stay tuned! And thank you all again so so much!

Half Way Point, Woohoo!!!

Wednesday 27th Mar 2024

I can't believe it..it's the second day since registrations opened and we're already half way towards this years goal?! Thank you all SO much! I'm really hoping we can continue to push it over the next month and a bit! I've already started the process of sending out personal thank you messages (if you haven't gotten yours yet, it's coming)!

Figure I'll toss in a couple updates while we're here! I no longer have my GS250 (she was sold to a new rider at the end of last season) so it won't be in this years ride. My plan is to still rep' the ride with a Suzuki by borrowing my partner, Brad's '79 GS425! It's been in pieces for a few years now, but we really hope to get it road ready this year so we have it for special events, like DGR! It's very close to being done, it's more just a matter of putting it together, doing some fine tunings, and adding a couple decals before it's insured, saftied and put on the road. We're hopeful it'll be ready in time for this years ride! (And, if not, I'll have my trusty 2024 Kawisaki Eliminator 500 as my back up)! 

I'm also very excited to mention that Brad and I are officially sponsoring Hamilton's ride with our apparel & accessory brand, Moto Yote! (hence the paint job on the 425 ;) ) DGR means a lot to us both, so we're more than happy to contribute a bit more to helpout with this years ride! 

I'll continue with little blog updates over the next few weeks whenever I've got something new to share!

Once again, thank you all for the support and let's push to make this a successful year in raising awareness and funds! 

- Nicole (Niki)

DGR 2024!

Monday 25th Mar 2024

The Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride 2024 is here! This will be my 2nd year taking part! I'm very excited to clean up the suit jacket and bike for this very important ride!

On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for men's health on behalf of Movember.

Myself and my family grieve the loss of my Grandpa, Paul Serenko, who recently passed March 12th. I'm so thankful he was with us for as long as he was but I'll miss him very much. This year my ride (and the beer I plan to have afterwards, in celebration of completing another DGR ride/fundraiser) will be dedicated to him.

Last year I was able to raise just over $2k! My goal this year is to hit that amount again, and hopefully more! Please feel free to share my page around with friends and family or anyone you may know who'd like to help me hit my goal! Any amount contributed to my ride is very much appreciated! Thank you all so much for helping support men's health!

- Nicole (Niki)

My Sponsors

Diesel Benson

Tell fox it better be a super fancy one

$522 USD

Blarion Fenn


$170 USD


$152 USD

Shiwley Paul

$151 USD


From Ouiji, no pressure on the Caravan Palace theme, just wanting to donate either way.

$129 USD

Todd Serenko

Good Luck Niki! Grampa would have loved this :)

$115 USD


Donation from Calfurry in recognition of artwork completed for the con.

$114 USD

Nicole Loree

Final charity stream contributions

$92 USD

Renkov Raccoon

renkovracoon.bsky.social sez: Hi!

$77 USD

Sheila & Jim Cummings

Well Done Niki .. Congratulations

$77 USD

Roisin Serenko

Your Grandpa was so very proud of you Niki and admired your love for Motorcycles! Thank you for doing this, for Grandpa and for all the men in our lives ❤️

$77 USD


Happy to contribute again this year! Have a good ride!

$77 USD


Go get 'em tiger!

$77 USD

Dario Esteban Sandoval

Good luck, Nicole! My condolences to you and your family. From the info shared, your grandfather has an amazing spirit that will live on!

$77 USD


$76 USD

Gunn Serenko

$76 USD

Nicole Loree

Grandma donation (cash)

$76 USD


$76 USD

Dan Collings

Good on you for doing this!

$76 USD

Gill Murdoch

$76 USD


Wanted to help more! Let's hit your goal!

$76 USD

Dan Collings

Bonus barks! :3

$76 USD


Donation from fabledcoyote/cowboycoyote on BlueSky and FA, for the raffle entry! Have a wonderful ride, and thank you for supporting such a great cause!

$64 USD

Dan Collings

Just want to bop u over your current goal

$41 USD

Brad Loree

$40 USD

Eric Reetz

$38 USD


Ride, ride, ride!

$38 USD


I’ve been a fan of your creative work for quite a while now and I am so proud to see you supporting such an incredible cause. As someone who has experienced mental health issues over the past ten years and has friends and family affected in the same way, it’s a very personal subject for me and to see you supporting this cause is so heart-warming. Thank you for your compassion and know that your efforts are making such a difference. <3

$38 USD

Vincente Tellez

Awesome stuff! o7

$38 USD


This is a good cause and a great way to honor your grandfather!

$38 USD

Christopher Pilgrim

$38 USD

Brad Loree

$38 USD

Kathy Loree

$38 USD


Keep riding, don't stop flying, yo.

$38 USD

Diesel Benson


$38 USD



$38 USD


$38 USD


Congrats on meeting the goal!

$38 USD

Ebni Agacyt

Tip from Ebni/Trail/Tygacat

$38 USD


Congrats on finishing the ride and making your goal!

$38 USD


Ride, yote, ride!

$38 USD

Nicole Loree

$38 USD


$38 USD


Let's get this cat to $3k!! GO CATTE G O!

$38 USD


Keep it rollin'!

$38 USD


$38 USD


Donation matching!

$38 USD


Let's get this cat to $3500!

$38 USD


Vroom vroom meow meow

$38 USD


$38 USD

Diesel Benson

"Cause women go crazy for a sharp dressed man"

$38 USD


Good Luck on the ride donations from my partner and I!

$38 USD


$31 USD


Habby weekend, habby eclipsing, habby riding

$23 USD

Lupe Delobo

$23 USD


Congrat on meeting not one but two of your donation goals. Good luck on your ride day, Niki! For the raffle, my Twitter is @PKRob_Artz.

$23 USD

Erin Guillemin

Let's goooooooooooooOOoooooOOoooo!!!

$19 USD



$19 USD

Trey Tackett

@Starhound coming in with support!

$15 USD

Indi MIskolczi

Great cause. Take care Niki!

$15 USD


$15 USD

Joseph Shovlin

$15 USD

Debbie Brady

Such a great cause and what a wonderful tribute to your grandpa.

$15 USD


$15 USD

Tau S

$15 USD

Alice Dryden

Have a wonderful ride!

$15 USD

Whisper Night-Winds

I absolutely love your art, and it's amazing to see someone dedicating money towards men's health. It's such an overlooked area in today's world still. Thank you for raising money and awareness.

$15 USD

Adam "Chewee" Chewerda

$15 USD

Diesel Benson

For a good cause

$15 USD

Takkin Faircrest

From Tak and Raja - Keep on being amazing at what you do!

$15 USD


Have a brilliant ride Niki!!

$15 USD


Good luck with the ride! Also, love your choice of bike, though I'm partial to Hondas myself :) Btw I'm @PickledFox on Twitter, for raffle purposes :3

$15 USD

Kate Kunath

$15 USD

Kitra Drago

Have fun!

$15 USD

Trevor Druiett

$15 USD

Lupe Delobo

Love your furry cat people and... well all the other animal people you draw too!

$15 USD

Bryan Feir

Let's ride!

$15 USD


So close to your goal! :D

$15 USD

Santhan Vutha

In honour of your grandfather I hope you'll be able to reach your goal for this year!

$15 USD

Dam Collings

$15 USD

Dereck Dingo

Ride on, lynx!

$15 USD

David Haisell

$15 USD

Ethan Najera

Such a lovely cause, I hope you reach your goal!

$11 USD

Emma Serenko

Good luck and have fun! ❤️

$8 USD

Judah Collins

Such a cool charity! Hope you reach the goal! Twitter is @ForestDweIler for the raffle :)

$8 USD

Local Ride Sponsors